Natural Remedies for Asthma Relief: Exploring Alternative Treatments

natural remedies for asthma

Chinese herbs have been used for centuries in Asia to treat asthma. There is increasing scientific evidence to support the use of Traditional Chinese Medicine for asthma.

Natural Remedies for Asthma Relief

For those living with asthma, finding ways to manage symptoms and improve respiratory health is a constant priority. While conventional medical treatments remain the foundation of asthma management, many individuals also seek out natural remedies as complementary approaches. These holistic methods, ranging from herbal therapies to dietary changes and lifestyle modifications, aim to address the underlying factors that contribute to asthmatic episodes. By exploring safe and effective natural remedies, asthma sufferers may be able to find new ways to better control their symptoms and reduce reliance on rescue inhalers or other pharmaceutical interventions.

let’s explore some of the options for asthma relief through natural remedies. 

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Chinese herbs have been used for centuries in Asia to treat asthma. There is increasing scientific evidence to support the use of Traditional Chinese Medicine for asthma.

  1. ASHMI (Antiasthma herbal medicine intervention formula)

ASHMI has received investigational new drug approval in the United States. It contains 3 herbs:

  • Ling-Zhi (Ganoderma lucidum)
  • Ku-Shen (Sophorae flavescentis)
  • Gan-Cao (Glycyrrhiza uralensis)

Data suggest that ASHMI is safe and effective either as monotherapy or as add on therapy to standard treatment. It has no significant side effects.

  1. mMMDT (Modified Mai Men Dong Tang)

It contains 5 herbs:

  • Ophiopogon japonicus
  • Panax quinquefolium (ginseng)
  • Pinellia ternate
  • uralensis ( licorice)
  • Tridax procumbens
  1. STA-1 formula

        STA is a combination of two formulas , Mai Men Dong Tang ( MMDT) and Lui Wei Di Huang Wan         ( LWDHW).

MMDT contains :

  • japonicus
  • ternate
  • quinquefolium
  • uralensis

 LWDHW contains:

  • Rehmannia glutinosa
  • Paeonia suffruticosa
  • Cornus officinalis
  • Poria cocos
  • Alisma orientalis
  • Dioscorea opposita


  1. Ding Chuan Tang (DCT) formula

DCT contains nine herbs:

  • Ginkgo biloba
  • Ephedra sinica
  • Tussilago farfara
  • Morus alba
  • ternata
  • Perilla frutescens
  • Prunus armeniaca
  • Scutellaria baicalensis
  • uralensis

DCT appears less promising than other formulas.

Dietary changes and supplements

  1. Antioxidants
  2. Vitamin D, E and C
  3. Omega-3
  4. Low calorie diets in obese people with asthma
  5. Magnesium supplements
Dr. Komal Arshad, Pulmonologist

Dr. Komal Arshad, Pulmonologist

Dr. Komal Arshad, a graduate of Wah Medical College, is a pulmonologist with 8 years of clinical experience, including 5 years pre-specialization and 3 years post-specialization from Shifa International Hospital Islamabad and Military Hospital Rawalpindi. She is currently practicing at Watim General Hospital, Rawalpindi Pakistan as a classified pulmonologist.

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